Aditya Birla Health Insurance on Thursday launched its new product – ‘Activ One’ – in the Odisha market. The product features ‘100 per cent Health Returns’, which enable policyholders to earn back their premium up to 100 per cent.
The product offers wide-ranging features including coverage for live-in partners under the policy. The policy offers chronic care cover which provides Day 1 cover to people with several chronic conditions such as asthma, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obesity and coronary artery disease.
The key features of the product include 100 per cent Health Returns, unlimited refill up to base sum insured during a policy year, increase in sum insured by up to six times by the sixth year of the policy, no caps on room rent, intensive care unit (ICU) charges, etc., and coverage for all listed non-medical expenses related to hospitalisation.
It also features a Health Returns feature which enables policyholders to earn back their premium (up to 100 per cent Health Returns) which can be accrued on the basis of Healthy Heart Score, the fitness assessment result, and the number of ‘Active Dayz’ recorded on a monthly basis.
Funds earned on Health Returns can be used for payment of renewal premium and other non-medical expenses, out-patient expenses, etc.
Commenting on the launch, Aditya Birla Health Insurance CEO Mayank Bathwal said, “Activ One is a result of us being good at listening to our stakeholders – our customers, advisors, distributors and partners. Based on their inputs and insights, we developed Activ One, that addresses the needs of every consumer – across their different health or life stages, and at stages of battling chronic ailments. With seven variants built into one product, we are offering the Power of One, to all…Through Activ One, we want to ensure that our policyholders experience a simplified and comprehensive healthcare solution that is personalised, rewarding and worry-free.”