Home > Business > Tata Power-led Odisha discoms boost local economy with Rs 11,481 crore in contracts

Tata Power-led Odisha discoms boost local economy with Rs 11,481 crore in contracts

Bhubaneswar, September 6, 2024 (TBB Bureau): Tata Power-led Odisha Discoms have demonstrated a strong commitment to the state’s economic development by awarding contracts worth Rs 11,481 crore to local contractors and suppliers.

Of this total, Rs 8,690 crore have been allocated to local MSMEs, while Rs 2,791 crore have gone to non-MSMEs over the past three years since the Discoms took over the state’s power distribution operations. These contracts are divided into two major categories: materials and services.

The Odisha Discoms — TP Central, TP Southern, TP Northern, and TP Western Odisha Distribution Limited — have established agreements with 6,645 local vendors and suppliers. These partnerships are crucial for daily operations and services, with a focus on encouraging local vendors to hire residents from nearby areas.

In the service sector, which includes meter reading, billing, and network maintenance, the Discoms have awarded contracts to 4,347 vendors, amounting to Rs 7,560 crore. In the materials supply category, covering Distribution Transformers, Cables, Poles, and more, 2,298 contracts worth Rs 3,921 crore have been assigned.

The materials contracts cover essential components such as Distribution Transformers, Cables, Poles, LT & HT Hardware, laptops, and desktops. In the service sector, contracts encompass a wide range of activities, including meter installation, billing, collection, call center operations, meter reading, and administrative functions like housekeeping and catering.

This initiative not only supports the “Make in Odisha” vision but also plays a crucial role in advancing the state’s economic progress. It has transformed the business landscape and significantly contributed to the economic prosperity of local communities.

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