Odisha’s Deputy Chief Minister Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo on Wednesday explored the latest advancements in energy technology at the Energy Pavilion of Utkarsh Odisha – Make in Odisha Conclave 2025 here. The pavilion showcased Odisha’s impressive strides in smart energy solutions, renewable power, and digital innovations, reaffirming the state’s commitment to a sustainable and technology-driven energy ecosystem.
During his visit, Singh Deo observed groundbreaking developments such as advanced grid management, real-time energy monitoring, and the deployment of smart meters, all of which reflect Odisha’s vision for a modern and resilient power sector. These advancements play a crucial role in optimizing energy efficiency and ensuring a seamless transition to a greener future.
Expressing his appreciation for the event, Singh Deo said, “I am pleased to witness the vibrant stalls at Utkarsh Odisha – Make in Odisha Conclave. The event is a true testament to Odisha’s innovation, entrepreneurial spirit, and boundless potential. Proud to see our state shaping the future of business and industry.”
The Energy Pavilion serves as a vital platform to highlight Odisha’s leadership in integrating automation in power distribution, green hydrogen technologies, and solar energy solutions. By leveraging cutting-edge innovations, the state is fostering a robust and sustainable energy sector, reinforcing its position as a frontrunner in clean and smart energy solutions. This initiative not only accelerates economic growth but also strengthens Odisha’s role in driving India’s energy transformation.