DSP Investment Managers has announced a unique Old Fund Offering (OFO) of the DSP Flexi Cap Fund to remind investors of a ready and proven portfolio that has been through various market cycles over 24 years. The OFO highlights DSP Flexi Cap Fund’s ability and flexibility to allocate across market capitalizations, its strong investment framework and the Fund Manager’s conviction in investing a substantial part of their own money in the fund.
The DSP Flexi Cap Fund takes a structured approach to investing by focusing on business longevity, prudent management and growth sustainability (BMG Framework). The fund endeavours to invests in companies having high return on equity and profit growth across large cap, mid cap, and small cap stocks. This helps the fund adapt to different market scenarios.

The BMG Framework followed by the fund includes businesses that are less capital intensive, having a high cash conversion, market share dominance, judicious capital allocation, and superior margins among other factors. The fund’s portfolio is well diversified with 55-65 stocks, of which 60-70% are large caps and 30-40% are mid and small caps as of June 30, 2021. The fund has grown at an annualised growth rate of 19.3% since inception. Rs 1 lakh invested at inception would have grown to over Rs 75 lakh by now.
“Many times, we ignore the old, even though it’s good. Through our OFO, we are re-introducing investors to a proven flexi cap fund with a track record of almost two and a half decades. A fund that focuses on simple rules of good investing – invest with good managements in good sectors and stick with them till they execute. A fund that likes to invest more in the same stocks when they correct for various reasons. A fund that is agnostic to market caps but focused on good companies that grow market share, profits, cash flows year on year. We hope that the fund would appeal to a broad section of investors thanks to its robust investment framework and flexible allocation across market caps,” says Kalpen Parekh, MD & CEO, DSP Investment Managers.