GAIL (India) Limited recorded Turnover of Rs. 15,472 crore in Q4 FY21 vis a vis Rs. 15,386 crore Q3 FY21, Profit before Tax (PBT) in Q4 FY21 increased by 40% to Rs. 2,612 crore as against Rs. 1,868 crore in previous Q3 FY21. The Profit after Tax (PAT) jumped by 28% to Rs. 1,908 crore in Q4 FY21 vis a vis Rs. 1,487 crore in Q3 FY21.
For the whole year 2020-21, the standalone Turnover, PBT and PAT stood at Rs. 56,529 crore, Rs. 6,386 crore and Rs. 4,890 crore respectively. The consolidated group turnover for the FY 2021 stood at Rs. 57,208 crore, PBT was Rs. 7,725 crore and PAT was Rs. 6,136 crore.
The Petrochemical business has shown better performance with more than 100% capacity utilization. The sales increased by 18% to 871 TMT, the Petrochemical plant recorded highest ever production of 813 TMT. The Petrochemical segment reported a PBT of Rs. 1,027 crore in FY 2021 on account of better physical performance and improved price realization.

GAIL CMD Manoj Jain said that the operations of the plant and pipelines were stable and no major shutdown took place during FY 2020-21. During the year, company’s Capex was Rs. 6,982 crore mainly on Pipelines. GAIL has taken several initiatives to support the employees, society and the Nation to combat the COVID–19.
Under the aegis of MoPNG, GAIL’s management has given a thrust to expand in the areas of compressed biogas, ethanol and renewable energy. GAIL is undertaking several initiatives to diversify in these areas, he added.