A two-day mushroom cultivation training was organised at the Institute of Periphery Development (IPD) of Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) on January 22-23.
In all, 10 women and five men from Baghdega, Kairkera, Garda, Barilepta and Khairtola villages of Nuagaon Block attended the training programme.

The sessions included theoretical inputs on the ‘Dhingri’ mushroom cultivation process along with practical demonstrations.
The training was imparted by Master Trainers Tintus Vengra and Benedict Ekka, both from CSR Department and Kamla Toppo, Master Trainer of Suman Women Resource Centre (WRC) of Dalposh Village.
RSP GM Incharge (CSR) MV Apparao presided over the closing session of the training programme. Also present were Munmun Mittra, DGM (CSR), and other officials of the Department.
The CSR Department of RSP has set up a Mother Culture production centre at IPD, Sector-20, here and mushroom seed producing centre at Women Resource Centre of Dalposh for facilitating mushroom cultivation as a supplementary means of income generation in and around the Steel City.