Home > Business > TPWODL enhancing electricity infrastructure for domestic and industrial consumers in Kalahandi Dist

TPWODL enhancing electricity infrastructure for domestic and industrial consumers in Kalahandi Dist

BURLA, JUNE 2, 2024 (TBB BUREAU): Tata Power Western Odisha Distribution Limited (TPWODL), the power distribution company in western Odisha, continues its commitment to bolstering infrastructure and enhancing distribution lines to ensure uninterrupted power supply to consumers.

In this endeavour to improve electricity infrastructure for both domestic and industrial consumers in Kalahandi District, TPWODL is actively laying a new 33 kV line from Kalampurup to Badkutru Primary Substation.

The current 33 kV line to Badkutru PSS is reliant on power supply from the 132/33 kV Baner Grid Substation, traversing dense forests over a distance of 12 Km. Any disruption in this line plunges the entire system into darkness.

To mitigate this risk, the company is initiating the laying of another 33 kV feeder line to connect Kalampur to the Badkutru Primary Substation, covering a distance of 12 km. This initiative will not only benefit domestic consumers but also alleviate the load on industrial consumers in Deypur, Kalampur, Pandiagaon, Heramal, Bandhkena, Paikendumundi of Kalampur and Badkutru blocks. It is estimated that approximately 7000 domestic consumers, and large and medium industries in the Badkutru area, will benefit from this infrastructure upgrade.

Commenting on the initiative, TPWODL CEO Parveen Verma stated, “We are excited to launch these kinds of initiatives aimed at modernizing the electricity infrastructure in Kalahandi District. By prioritizing the needs of both domestic and industrial consumers, we are not only ensuring a better quality of life for residents, but also fostering economic growth and prosperity in the region.” Verma added that the project, estimated at about Rs 4.63 crore, is scheduled for completion by September this year.


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