NEW DELHI, MAY 23, 2022
Vedanta’s Iron Ore Business, in view of International Day of Biological Diversity and World Environment Day, launched #SesaForGreenerGood campaign to highlight unique Biodiversity conservation and systematic Mine reclamation measures across all the business units.
It was launched with a teaser to give a brief idea about the campaign through Social Media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & LinkedIn.
The campaign will also emphasize upon the ESG initiatives and will be targeted towards mobilizing the stakeholders to further enhance contribution towards adoption of robust sustainable industry practices.

The campaign will focus on highlighting the green model adopted by the company including various sustainability initiatives such as afforestation, pisciculture project, nakshatra garden, charak vatika, spice plantation, butterfly park, bamboo setum, bamboo pavilion, Sesa Technical School, Sesa Football Academy implemented by Sesa Goa Iron Ore business and will create awareness about replication of similar kind of initiatives for Biodiversity conservation and sustainable future at large.
“This will be done by way of sharing success stories, testimonials, and methodology behind these projects to underline committed efforts by Sesa Goa Iron Ore Business to set up new industry trends,” the company said in a statement.
Sesa Goa Iron Ore Business also recently implemented innovative Miyawaki plantation technique to develop green belt areas and implemented various initiatives towards water conservation and carbon neutrality.