V S Jain, Executive Director, has taken over charge as Executive Director & Refinery Head of Paradip Refinery with effect from March 1, 2021. Prior to the new assignment, he was heading the Project Department at Paradip Refinery with projects like Mono Ethylene Glycol (MEG), Para Xylene-Purified Terepthalic Acid (PX-PTA), Fuel Quality Upgradation (FQUP).

Jain, who joined IndianOil in 1986 after completing his Mechanical Engineering from Gujarat-based LD College of Engineering, has worked in various units of IndianOil Refineries Division like Gujarat, Panipat, Refinery Headquarters, New Delhi and Paradip Refinery. He has headed various functions like Engineering Services, Maintenance and Project. He has made significant contributions in maintenance of Refineries as well as in the field of Design, Engineering, Project planning & monitoring and Project execution.
Known for his participative management style, Jain believes in building close-knit team. With a strong technical prowess, business acumen and people-centric leadership style, he nurtures a strong vision of leveraging technology & innovation for the progress of the Paradip Refinery.