In a bid to empower women around its area of operation and create livelihood opportunities, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India (AM/NS India) under its ‘Aajeevika’ project, has started skill development programmes at Paradip.
The Company has set up a Lok Vikas Kendra (LVK), centre for resource training and skill building, at Paradip to impart training on tailoring, terracotta and soft toys making, and beauty therapy.
As part of the programme, the women of the nearby community are also provided training on ‘badi’ making, mushroom & vegetable cultivation and phenyl making. Besided the vocational training, awareness sessions and seminars on various topics like micro insurance, family counselling, child marriage, domestic violence, positive thinking, education, etc. are also conducted at the Lok Vikas Kendra for the beneficiaries.
The Lok Vikas Kendra (LVK) has been playing a major role in transforming the lives of the women. More than 1500 women have so far benefited from this training programme. Several of the trained women have set up food processing units and started mushroom and vegetable cultivation which have helped them in being self-reliant and contributing to their family income. AMNS India aims for a sustainable approach to such initiatives by facilitating market linkages and value chain development for the products produced by the communities.
“This is just a beginning, we will continue to grow along with the community and bring best practices and innovative solutions for socio – economic development of the communities where we operate,” said Vikas Yadvendu, Head, CSR, AM/NS India.