Rich tributes were paid by the Rajgangpur Unit of Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited to Utkalmani Pandit Gopabandhu Das, an illustrious son of Odisha, on the occasion of his birth anniversary on Sunday.
A function was organised by the Gopabandhu Cultural Committee at the dalmia Cement Gopabandhu Parkhere to mark the occasion.

Dalmia Cement (Bharat) Limited AED-Technical Arbind Kumar Singh, AED- LA & CSR Dr. Nilandri Bhusan Parhi, AED-CPP Nabaghan Patro, Sr.GM-Commercial & President, Gopabandhu Sanscrutika Parishad Prafulla Ojha, Sr. GM-Procurement D C Daspattnaik, GM-Security Subrat Kumar Pattnaik, AGM-HR Sanjib Kumar Sahu and other officials and employees of the Company, students of Gopabandhu High School and others paid floral tributes at the statue of the ‘Utkalmani’.
Members of the Gopabandhu Cultural Committee and students recalled the role of Gopabandhu Das – a legendary freedom fighter, great social reformer and harbinger of a new social order – in Indian Freedom movement, and his dedicated and selfless service for the poor and downtrodden people of Odisha.
Gopabandhu Das’ crusade against untouchability, advocacy of widow remarriage, campaign for literacy, new model of education, stress on both rights and duties, emphasis on women education, particularly vocational training and above all a deep commitment and compassion for the poor and destitute, have immortalized him, said the speakers at the function.
Utkalmani Gopabandhu Das was born on October 9, 1877, at Suando. He was the first leader from Odisha to organise the Orissa Provincial Committee. He played a key role in bringing Gandhiji to Odisha in 1921 to further the cause of Non-Cooperation Movement. In the realm of journalism, Gopabandhu Das started the newspaper ‘Samaj’ on October 4, 1919. Before ‘Samaj’ he had also published another monthly magazine named ‘Satyabadi’ in the year 1914.