Home > Education > IIT Bhubaneswar launches ambitious plantation drive on World Environment Day

IIT Bhubaneswar launches ambitious plantation drive on World Environment Day

Bhubaneswar, June 5, 2024 (TBB Bureau):  The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bhubaneswar marked World Environment Day 2024 with a significant commitment to environmental sustainability. In alignment with this year’s theme, “Land Restoration, Stopping Desertification, and Building Drought Resilience,” the Institute organized a large-scale plantation drive on its campus.

The drive, inaugurated by Bamadev Acharya, Registrar of IIT Bhubaneswar, saw the enthusiastic participation of faculty, staff, and students. Among the notable participants were Prof. Rajan Jha, Head of the School of Basic Sciences; Dr. Srikanta Patra, Professor-in-Charge of Horticulture; Dr. Tarakanta Nayak; and Dr. Avijit Kumar. Together, they planted around 100 avenue, fruit-bearing, and flowering plants.

Kamireddy Visweswara Reddy, the Institute’s Horticulturist, coordinated the event.

The initiative marks the beginning of a more extensive project aimed at planting approximately 1,000 plants over the next two to three months, significantly enhancing the campus’s green cover.

The IIT Bhubaneswar campus, which spans approximately 943 acres, is already home to over 50,000 evergreen and deciduous trees. The Institute’s commitment to environmental preservation is evident in its numerous green initiatives. Besides maintaining a lush campus, IIT Bhubaneswar has implemented several sustainable practices to promote a cleaner and greener environment.

Notably, the Institute has successfully fostered a ‘Cycling Culture’ among students over the past two academic years, promoting health, fitness, and environmental consciousness. Additionally, the launch of an E-rickshaw service provides an eco-friendly transportation option for students and residents, further underlining the Institute’s dedication to sustainability.

With these efforts, IIT Bhubaneswar continues to demonstrate its dedication to protecting and nurturing the environment while advancing its educational infrastructure.

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