Senior officials of JSW including the company’s Chief Executive Officer on Tuesday visited the proposed JSW Project area in Dhinkia, Nuagaon and Gadkujang under Ersama Tehsil near Paradip.

JSW Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ranjan Naik, JSW Mines Chief BRK Padhi, Human Resources Chief Sreejit Mishra and Paradip Project Chief Subrata Sahu visited the proposed areas of Mahal, Patna and Gobindpur villages. They discussed with some members of the Maa Mangala Forest Committee of Gobindpur village and Akhandalmani Forest Committee who requested for proper valuation of fruit bearing and other trees in the area and provision of employment opportunities for the local people.
The senior officials also discussed with the people about gearing up the betel vines survey and demolition work as well as other construction works, besides examining the geographical features of the proposed area.

To recall, the construction of the boundary wall from Patna to Gobindpur has started for the project. Betel vine survey and demolition work continues in Patna and Mahal villages. As of today, 257 beneficiaries have been provided with financial assistance of over Rs 6 crore. Besides, the 111 betel vine beneficiaries of Gobindpur village have been paid Rs 94 lakh as arrears.
Land acquisition for the project is going on in full swing with the cooperation of the local people, sources said.