Jyotirmoy Mishra has been elected as the Chairman of the Bhubaneswar Chapter of The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) for the year 2022

Ajaya Kumar Majhi has been elected as the Vice Chairman of the Chapter, while Bimal Prasad Pattanaik and Rudra Madhab Sahoo have been elected as the Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.
Besides ensuring development of the profession of Company Secretary in Odisha, the newly elected office-bearers of the ICSI Bhubaneswar Chapter will also focus on students’ members’ development and coordinate with different educational institutions in the state for awareness amongst the students about the career prospect of Company Secretary.
ICSI, which has eight Study Centers in Odisha, is providing classroom teaching, reading room, library facilities to the students pursuing Company Secretaryship course. It’s also organising various academic and professional development programmes for the members, students and other stakeholders.