With an aim to enhance preparedness to meet any eventuality arising out of a gas leakage, a joint Mock Drill was organized by National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Mundali Unit and Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) today at LD Gas Holder premises of Steel Melting Shop-II (SMS-II) Unit. As a part of statutory requirement, this was done to assess the efficacy of the onsite disaster management system of RSP and the personnel associated with it.

The exercise was conducted in the presence of Bibhu Prasad, Deputy Director (Factories & Boilers), Government of Odisha; MK Mishra, Assistant Director (Factories & Boilers), Government of Odisha; Naresh Kumar, CGM (Services); Shivshankar, CGM (SMS-II); PS Kannan, CGM (EMD); JB Pattnaik, GM (Fire Services); Ashok Kumar Jalwania, Commandant, CISF and many other senior officers of RSP and NDRF.
Speaking at the joint exercise, Bibhu Prasad stressed on expanding the ambit of the exercise to other areas including the Township to benefit from the vast expertise of the experienced NDRF team. He assured help from the State Government to conduct such exercises to boost preparedness to meet any exigency.
Mishra spoke on the importance of the mock drills to assess the preparedness and address the shortcomings in time.
Kumar in his address thanked the NDRF team for conducting the joint mock drill which has been immensely helpful in strengthening the application of SOPs in emergency conditions.
All the three teams namely the Combat team, Rescue team and Auxiliary team comprising members from NDRF, SMS-II, Fire Services and CISF took part in the mock drill conducted on the topic ‘Gas safety & Rescue Operation in Gas Holder area.’
Such mock safety drills are organised in strategic units of RSP from time to time to maintain a high level of preparedness for tackling any eventuality.