As Tata Power Odisha Discoms strongly believe in the safety and security of their employees and customers, they have a robust safety governance structure in place, which includes nodal safety officers in each location. The discoms have implemented a number of safety measures, including safety training to over 12,000 employees and 20,000 Business Associates involved in operations and maintenance.

The discoms’ key safety initiatives include a dedicated safety helpline, including smartphone apps, which encourage reporting of unsafe situations so that corrective action can be taken up immediately. The discoms have implemented a system based safety management system – Suraksha Kavach developed specially for power distribution utilities catering to both urban and rural areas with diverse workforce. Standard Operating Procedures, Operating Instructions, system of Permit to Work and Safety Tagging procedures are put in place for the safety of personnel and equipment. To ensure safety, all workmen are provided with Voltage Tester or Neon Testers used to detect whether the network is de-energized or not by visible and audible indication prior to beginning of work, the earlier system of attending work on poles through monkey climbing is now replace with FRP ladders and full body safety harness.

The Odisha Discoms have also ensured that all employees and Business Associates are using/wearing PPE kits, created more than 35 Practice Yards for safety training, fenced open distribution sub-stations (DSS), and installed public address systems on maintenance vehicles to promote safe practices. To ensure animal safety, many DSS have been fenced at various locations including elephant movement zones and regularly organising meetings with villagers to sensitise them. The Discoms also conduct public safety awareness campaigns in rural regions using the ‘Surkhya Sachetan Rath’.
As major reasons for fatal accidents are due to hooking for theft and animal poaching, construction near live wire, unauthorised work on the network etc., the discoms are using various means like TV, FM radio, pamphlets etc. to educate the customers.
Tata Power Odisha discoms are committed to establishing a safety culture by encouraging their workforce and customers to report any harmful practices or situations and to assist them in further strengthening a robust safety network. Their unwavering commitment to electrical safety has also been acknowledged at Odisha State Level Electrical Safety Awards.