Vedanta Iron Ore Odisha (IOO) organised a specialised health check-up camp at Nuagoan Primary School in Sundargarh district recently, providing specialised medical consultations and essential healthcare services to over 130 villagers from Sundargarh district.

The initiative was aimed at providing quality healthcare facilities to the villagers near their homes and addressing the medical needs of the communities.
The health camp was organised with a dedicated team of specialised medical consultants from various disciplines, including paediatrics, gynaecology, ENT, etc.
People from Nadidihi, Kendudihi, Rengalbeda, and Nuagaon villages availed this opportunity to seek expert medical advice and treatment during the camp.
During the camp, all the beneficiaries received thorough medical check-ups, including blood pressure and blood sugar tests. Additionally, medicines were provided to the patients, ensuring immediate relief from their health concerns.
To ensure continuity of healthcare, Vedanta IOO facilitated the transfer of patients requiring further treatment to the nearest Community Health Centre (CHC). This ensured that the villagers received ongoing medical attention and necessary follow-up care.
The mega-health camp received overwhelming positive feedback from the beneficiaries. One of the health camp attendees expressed heartfelt gratitude, saying, “We are immensely thankful to Vedanta Iron Ore Odisha for organising this extensive health camp in our village and providing access to specialised doctors. Moreover, Vedanta IOO’s regular visits through the Mobile Health Unit (MHU) have been instrumental in providing essential medicines closer to our doorstep.”
Lauding this initiative by IOO, Vedanta Limited Sesa Goa CEO Navin Jaju said, “We, at Vedanta Sesa Goa, believe that health is a crucial aspect of holistic community development. Our endeavour entails #TransformingCommunities by reaching out to people around our areas of operation with quality healthcare facilities through such specialised health camps, mobile health units, and community medical centres. Well done, team Iron Ore Odisha.”
“At Vedanta Iron Ore Odisha, we believe in making a positive impact on the communities we operate with. With this Mega Health Camp, we aim to improve the quality of healthcare facilities available to the communities around our operations. This initiative reflects our commitment to the holistic development of communities,” said Joseph Coelho, CEO, Iron Ore Odisha, Vedanta Sesa Goa.
Vedanta Sesa Goa has initiated multiple community development initiatives in and around the Sundargarh region in Odisha, such as specialised health camps, healthcare facilities through a mobile health unit, awareness sessions among the communities on the topics of prevention of infectious diseases, ill-effects of alcohol and tobacco, training on family planning and menstrual hygiene, children’s education and well-being, drinking water infrastructure, etc.