Home > Business > PPA’s cancer screening camp empowers Paradip community

PPA’s cancer screening camp empowers Paradip community

Paradip, July 20, 2024 (TBB Bureau): The Paradip Port Authority (PPA) Hospital, in partnership with the Bagchi Sri Shankara Cancer Centre and Research Institute, Bhubaneswar, organized a comprehensive cancer screening camp aimed at promoting health awareness among the local community. The camp, focusing on head & neck, breast, and cervix examinations, catered to PPA staff, employees, and underprivileged members of the public.

The initiative, inaugurated by PPA Secretary UR Mohan Raju, saw active participation from PPA Chief Medical Officer Dr. BB Das, alongside department heads and members of the Paradip Ladies Club.

Local women received crucial education on breast and cervical cancers, including discussions on social stigma, self-examination techniques, early detection methods, and the importance of prompt treatment.

A total of 67 individuals underwent screenings, with services including 14 PAP Smear tests for microscopic evaluation, 36 cervical screenings, and 17 oral examinations. Those requiring further evaluation were assured of support for specialized care at appropriate centers.

PPA’s Chief Medical Officer reiterated the organization’s commitment to supporting marginalized women, affirming plans for future outreach initiatives. The event garnered enthusiastic support from residents of the Paradip Port Township, highlighting the community’s appreciation for PPA’s proactive healthcare efforts.

The cancer screening camp stands as a testament to PPA’s dedication to enhancing public health and fostering community well-being in Paradip and surrounding areas. Future endeavours are anticipated to build upon this foundation of accessible healthcare and education.

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