ROURKELA, AUG 14, 2021
The Sintering Plant–I of SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP) surpassed the historical production milestone of 50 million ton on August 11, thereby joining the group of outstanding performing departments of RSP.
Sintering Plant-I of RSP was designed and commissioned on February 28, 1965 by Messrs Kopper from Germany based on the design of fifties with raw mix preparation, return fines handling and finished sinter handling as common series. Presently base mix is being supplied from Raw Material Handling Plant, but flux and coke are crushed and added as trimming addition in sinter plant. The plant has two strands of 125 sqm grate area each along with two straight line coolers.

The activities undertaken which contributed to this feat are the up gradation measures in the area of mix preparation, ignition system, return fines handling, cold sinter screening and dedusting facilities and capacity enhancement to 1.5 million ton per annum from 1,25 million ton per annum in the eighties. In the 90s, process ESPs were installed in place of cyclones for both the machines as a part of pollution control measures. During 2014-15, Process ESP I & II were dismantled and new ESPs were installed with additional fields. In the Financial Year 2019-20 and 2020-21, the Process ESP Chimney of 100-metre was installed and commissioned and both the Wind Mains I & II were also replaced and commissioned, both the Process ESP I & II were again revamped by replacement of all electrodes.