Samco Asset Management Pvt Ltd has for the first time introduced TimerSTP, a tool that determines the right time to invest more and the time to invest less in equities with the help of Samco’s proprietary Equity Margin of Safety Index (EMOSI) indicator which is based on the margin of safety investing principle.

When markets are high, EMOSI signals to invest cautiously, and when markets are low, it allows investing aggressively ensuring maximum equity exposure to the investors. This removes the stress of tracking the markets constantly and endeavors to offer a higher reward/risk ratio.
Managing the timing in investing is an essential part of generating a higher alpha over the benchmark whilst managing draw downs efficiently, said Umeshkumar Mehta, CIO of Samco Asset Management Pvt Ltd.
“SAMCO Mutual Fund’s endeavor is to empower retail investors and provide solutions that allow them to make smarter decisions in their investment journey. With TimerSTP, we are enabling an average investor to avoid entering the markets at the wrong time and sail through the market cycles efficiently. We build strategies by incorporating core investing principles and leveraging technology so that all investors, big or small, can benefit by making higher risk adjusted returns in the long term,” said Mehta.
“We are excited to expand our business in Bhubaneswar and launch the Overnight Fund with our proprietary TimerSTP.Based on our back tested results, our EMOSIacted as a perfect lumpsum indicator because as EMOSI goes up, the average 3/5 year returns also go up and vice versa,” said Shatadru Gupta, Regional Head(East), Samco Group.