Sharad Kumar Srivastava took over as the Additional General Manager of East Coast Railway (ECoR) on Monday.
Prior to the new assignment, he was working as Principal Chief Signal & Telecom Engineer at Metro Railway, Kolkata.

Srivastava, who holds degree in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, joined in Indian Railways in 1988. He has vast experience in Maintenance and Project implementation in the field of Signal & Telecommunication. He has worked in various capacities in Divisional and Zonal Headquarters in connection with Signaling and Telecommunication asset maintenance and execution of projects and has been praised from all corners.
Taking every task as a challenge, Srivastava always strives to move forward in fulfilling the mission of the Indian Railways. He has taken training on Managerial and Leadership from INSEAD/Singapore, ICLIF/Malaysia and SDA BOCCONI/Italy during his career and implemented his experience in the development of Indian Railways, fruitfully. He is also associated effectively with planning and improvements in maintenance of Signaling and Telecommunication assets and coordination of execution of Communication-Based Train Control (CBTC) projects.