As part ofd its CSR initiatives, Tata Steel BSL has dedicated a mobile primary healthcare unit in Gandalpada village under Joda Block in Keonjhar District.
The mobile unit, manned by a doctor, pharmacist and nurse, will provide primary health care services and visit the village as per the prescribed schedule to provide health care at the doorsteps of the villagers and spread awareness about preventive measures for various diseases.

The mobile healthcare unit, flagged off by Guali Gram Panchayat Sarapanch Padmabati Naik, Panchayat Samiti Member Bimala Naik and Tata Steel BSL CSR Unit Head Sanjay Sardar, is expected to benefit more than 2000 local residents.
In January, the unit had started providing service in the adjoining villages of Kanu Sahi and Kalmang reaching out to around 2000 residents of the villages.