JODA, SEPT 19, 2022
The Khondbond Iron and Manganese Mine of Tata Steel, located at Joda in Keonjhar district of Odisha, has won prestigious Pollution Control Excellence Award-2022 under ‘Mines’ category.

The award instituted by Odisha State Pollution Control Board (OSPCB), was presented by State Forest & Environment Minister Pradip Kumar Amat on the occasion of OSPCB’s 39th Foundation Day ceremony in Bhubaneswar recently.
Subhransu Sekhar Mishra, Head (Mining Operations), Khondbond, Tata Steel received the award on behalf of the company.
The unit was awarded for its commendable initiative in constructing three new rainwater harvesting ponds and reclamation of mined out areas and plantation on slopes of dump yards to stabilize dumps and increase green cover inside mines. It may be mentioned that the unit has planted 13,866 saplings in the financial year 2020-21.
Besides, the unit was highly appreciated for utilization of waste as fuel (kitchen waste converted to biogas) with reduced consumption of three LPG cylinders per annum and carbon emission by 0.171 Ton CO2/Annum.