PARADIP, OCT 31, 2022
As per the directions from Central Vigilance Commission, Paradip Port Authority (PPA) is observing Vigilance Awareness Week from 31st October to 6th November 2022.
Centered on the theme “Corruption free India for a developed Nation”, the week-long function started on Monday with flagging off a walkathon by PPA Chairman PL Haranadh from Paradip Bus Stand. People of the Port town enthusiastically participated in the walkathon which culminated at PPA Administrative Building.

Later, Haranadh administered integrity pledge to the employees. Following the pledge, a spot quiz contest on vigilance knowledge was held among the employees. Then he flagged off a “Satarkata Rath” to promote Vigilance awareness.
Elocution, essay and drawing competitions among the local school students and other activities related to Vigilance Awareness will be held during the week long obersavance of Vigilance Awareness Week.
PPA employees are also taking integrity e-pledge through PPA Website and the Website of CVC. Each department of PPA is also conducting stakeholders’ meet during the week for awareness on corruption issues relating to the functioning of their particular department. Several hoardings have been displayed in the locality for creating awareness among the public.