Seven-year-old Venkat Raman Patnaik, student of WhiteHat Jr has cleared the Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Examination for Introduction to Programming in Java, JavaScript, Python, HTML and CSS; and for Database Administration Fundamentals.
MTA is a globally recognized certification sought by those interested in pursuing a career in technology.
Bolangir-based Venkat, a class III student and one of WhiteHat Jr’s early adopters, joined in March 2019, and has attended more than 160 classes to date.

Commenting on his success, Venkat’s teacher Jatinder Kaur said, “He picked up the essence of coding from day one and reveled as the complexity levels increased. He has made all of us proud by clearing the Microsoft MTA exam at such a young age – a rare achievement indeed.”
“For Venkat, it was his love for technology that prompted me to look for coding classes online and 1:1 individualized learning offered by WhiteHat Jr worked really well for him as it opened his horizons,” said Kuldeep Patnaik, the proud father of Venkat.
“The initial foundation set by WhiteHat Jr was so strong that later he was able to learn Coding and become a Full Stack developer along with other Engineering students at Kodnest.”
“It’s heartening to see success stories like Venkat’s. It validates our endeavor at WhiteHat Jr to unlock a kid’s potential by equipping them with the fundamentals to build their computational skills,” said Karan Bajaj, Founder and CEO, WhiteHat Jr.
At the young age of only seven years, Venkat has not only successfully qualified as a Microsoft Technology Associate, he was also invited by Chennai Institute of Technology as a guest speaker to motivate newcomers of the college in a program called “Catapult 2020”.
Venkat developed the app Let’s Reward Kids, which cemented his position as one of the 26 finalists of WhiteHat Jr’s Silicon Valley Challenge.