Union Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports, Mansukh Mandaviya, on Wednesday inaugurated the Minati Mohapatra Cycling Velodrome at the KIIT-KISS campus. The velodrome, named in honour of Minati Mohapatra, Odisha’s first Arjuna Awardee in cycling, is set to become a significant hub for cycling enthusiasts.
During the inauguration, the Union Minister shared his thoughts on the occasion’s importance. “Today is an important day for me,” he said, adding, “What I witnessed aligns with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision of a nation where education and sports go hand in hand.”
Mandaviya also quoted Acharya Chanakya, emphasizing the vital role education plays in shaping a nation’s future. “I am confident that the country’s future is in capable hands, with educationists like Dr. Samanta at the helm. KIIT, KISS, and KIMS are nurturing students who will grow into responsible citizens. Wherever I go, I will share the best practices I have observed here,” he said.
Dr. Achyuta Samanta, Founder of KIIT, KISS, and KIMS, expressed gratitude for the minister’s visit and outlined plans to further expand the sports infrastructure at KIIT and KISS in the coming years. “With the minister’s support, we aim to double our facilities and create more opportunities for emerging athletes,” he said.
Maninder Pal Singh, Secretary General of the Cycling Federation of India, praised Mandaviya’s passion for sports. “The minister is an avid cycling enthusiast, and his efforts to promote sports nationwide are truly commendable,” he said.
Minati Mohapatra, visibly moved by the tribute, shared her emotions. “I am speechless. People often say that Dr. Samanta is like a god to us. This is the greatest honor of my life,” she expressed.
KIIT Vice Chancellor Prof. Saranjit Singh took the opportunity to highlight Mandaviya’s achievements during his tenure as Union Health Minister, while KISS Vice Chancellor Prof. Deepak Kumar Behera delivered the vote of thanks.